ELASTO FUTURA generation with CYCLOID made a significant progress on technical platform. DYNAMIC FRICTION has evolved to synchronize better with CARBO SPONGE and to give extremely powerful advantage for offensive play. New spin ratio per distance created the new equilibrium of speed & control. New generation has finally achieved True Professional Aggression.
ELASTO FUTURA generation with CYCLOID made a significant progress on technical platform. DYNAMIC FRICTION has evolved to synchronize better with CARBO SPONGE and to give extremely powerful advantage for offensive play. New spin ratio per distance created the new equilibrium of speed & control. New generation has finally achieved True Professional Aggression.
CYCLOID is the innovate methodology can develop the rubber for specified performance. OMEGA VII lifted the winning probability with new methodology. Arc of ball trajectory is critically higher. Not only net blocks have reduced but also balls land more towards the end line of opponent's court without going out. Velocity increased by newly calculated spin/distance ratio gives strong advantage to speed performance. New energy dynamics make topspin balls charged with more power. OMEGA VII creates opportunities to win.
SOLID TECHNOLOGY FOR THE PLASTIC BALL. WE GRAB BETTER Official plastic ball is excitingly bouncy but it is slippery on the surface and harder to control. Pro players should meet the critical challenge now. DYNAMIC FRICTION technology evolved from Snow Tire was developed for the new plastic ball. It is also Physic-Chemically stabilized. Get ready for the new table tennis. And Win With Us.
THIS IS A REVOLUTION! The color of CARBO SPONGE is exciting black. This isn't just a color, but the symbol of advanced technology. CARBO SPONGE shows incomparable energy efficiency due to the insertion of carbon composite into the new structure of rubber sponge. The energy loss during the process of deformation and consequent restoration of sponge is less than that of any other sponge. This means that more energy is transferred to ball during impact. The result is higher power of ball. Slight reduction of weight is another advantage of the use of new material. There are two versions of CARBO SPONGE. Semi hard version is for VEGA PRO and VEGA ASIA. And, semi soft version is for VEGA EUROPE.
Comentariile vizitatorilor
Comentariu evaluat de 1417 vizitatori
Data: 03-04-2018
De-a lungul timpului am incercat o multitudine de fete,unul din parametrii de selectie fiind rezistenta la uzura a acestora.Recent am achizitionat noile fete XIOM Omega 7 (Euro si Pro).Mentionez ca de mai bine de 20 de ani de cand sunt "platitor fidel" la materiale de tenis de masa nu am intalnit fete cu asemenea rezistenta la uzura. Dupa mai bine de 4 luni de utilizare fata arata in continuare ca si noua. In rest tine de stilul de joc al fiecaruia pentru a obtine si victoriile mult dorite. Totusi raportul pret/calitate/rezistenta la uzura recomanda achizitia acestor fete chiar daca la prima vedere pretul pare ridicat.
Comentariu scris de Roscan Nicusor (BRAILA)
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Comentariu evaluat de 1423 vizitatori
Data: 16-04-2018
Buna. Da, pot sa confirm si eu comentariul de la domnu de mai sus Roscan Nicusor. Este un bun inlocuitor fata de tenergy uri, si nu se uzeaza asa de repede ca gen 05, 64 etc. Momentan joc pe forehand cu xiom omega 7, mai oameni buni, pretul este acolo ca si la tenergy dar nu se compara absolut deloc. Precis cu mare efect, foarte usor pot sa dai topsping si la mingi taiate si la contre, pui mingea acolo unde vrei cu foarte mare usurinta. Fac antrenamente aproape in fiecare zi am jucat cu mai multe tipuri de fete, tenergy, andro, tibhar, donic etc, dar fetele xiom, mai ales seria sigma si omega, sint de departe cel mai buni fete la ora actuala, si aici nu am facut reclama, puneti mana si testati l, omega 7 sa va convingeti si voi, niciodata nu am avut o fata mai buna decat fata respectiva. Bafta tuturor.
Comentariu scris de janos kiss (miercurea ciuc)
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Comentariu evaluat de 1372 vizitatori
Data: 31-07-2018
Noile fete xiom omega 7 euro te vor surprinde prin greutatea lor redusa si rezistenta la uzura.Dupa 6 luni de joc cu ele de 3 ori pe saptamana nu apare uzura pe el .mai mult omega 7 euro au un control remarcabil.Se potrivesc la orice nivel.Merita sa le incercati si o sa va convingeti.
Comentariu scris de Gabriel Pascu (Cluj-Napoca)
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Comentariu evaluat de 1809 vizitatori
Data: 21-01-2019
Buna ziua.Pana azi am jucat cu nitaku renanos hold.Azi primul antrenament cu omega 7 euro .A crescut efectul dar nu spectaculos.Spectaculos a crescut topspinul.Am lemn xiom solo si impreuna cu omega reusesc topspinuri foarte frumoase.
Comentariu scris de Dan Nestor (Focsani)
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Comentariu evaluat de 533 vizitatori
Data: 31-10-2020
daca sunt asa de bune de ce au 2 stele ?
Comentariu scris de marian stanciu (bucuresti)
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Comentariu evaluat de 554 vizitatori
Data: 10-05-2021
Salut Marian.Nu stiu de ce am doua stele.Sunt stele de aprec iere date de altii cred.Azi inca le folosesc,inca au efect si topspinul a crescut enorm.Sunt fete foarte bune